Thursday, November 28, 2019

Qualitative Research Paper Example Essay Example

Qualitative Research Paper Example Essay Statement of research question In this paper I’m going to demonstrate my knowledge of the qualitative methods of research applying them to a specific issue – the experience of Chinese students studying in Britain. First of all, I’ll start with a general overview of the existent qualitative methods of research focusing on advantages and disadvantages of each. Then, I’m going to choose a specific method most applicable to the problem in question and justify my choice. After it, I’m going to describe the specific details of the use of the chosen method in order to make a comprehensive conclusion. Details of methods to be used Qualitative methods of research are a well-established academic tradition in such fields as sociology, anthropology, history and geography. It’s characterized by certain principles, and they are should be better perceived not only as a discrete set of tools and techniques, but as complementary methods which can be used along a continuum of overlap with other methods. The main attention is dedicated to understanding different perceptions, aspirations and interests and how these impact the information about facts and events rather than trying to reduce them to one vision of reality. For instance, men and women often have different accounts of levels of family wealth and roles in the decision-making in family. Different people often have different views on power relations within organizations or companies. Qualitative research addresses these differences as indicators of relative power and as likely explanatory aspects in differential results of intervention. Qualitative research is also heuristic, interpretative and inductive. It develops freely rather than restricts itself to initial hypotheses or problem. Every study begins with an intensive familiarization with the context, institutions and policies to be researched and progressively have an overall comprehension of the related processes. Due to the focus on understanding complexity the scope and emphasis on the study are continually redefined as knowledge various aspects of the process enhances and new issues are brought in the limelight. We will write a custom essay sample on Qualitative Research Paper Example specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Qualitative Research Paper Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Qualitative Research Paper Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer So, qualitative methods usually comprise (O’Connor, 2004): Participant-Observation Ethnography Photography Ethnomethodology Dramaturgical Interviewing Sociometry Natural Experiment Case Study Unobtrusive Measures Content Analysis Historiography Secondary Analysis of Data Studying the specific problem – the experience of Chinese students studying in Britain – I decided that this problem is interview. Interview allows gathering sufficient amount of information while taking into account a variety of perspectives. This method is known for the fact it allows to collect the most comprehensive information during face-to-face communication. It helps receive trustworthy responses because contact between the interviewers and interviewed is generated. Comparing all the methods described above, I can make a conclusion that this specific method is most relevant to the study of the problem in question, and although it’s rather effort and time consuming, it can render the most accurate picture. Details of selection strategy For the purposes of the research, I completed a questionnaire. It had two parts: the first part covered the issues related to study, while the second focused on the issues not related to study. I include the sample of this questionnaire: Part IAre you satisfied with studying in Britain? What field are you studying in? What was the reason for coming to Britain to study? Is language barrier an obstacle to studying? How is education system/process different in China and Britain? Do you plan to return find employment here or back home? Do you find knowledge and skills received during the course of your studies sufficient to become a good specialist? Do you feel that university facilities (i.e. libraries, computer classes, gyms) meet all your needs? Do you like the professors and the way they teach? Do you think that the atmosphere in the classroom is open and good for studying? What do you like most about studying in Britain? Did British education meet your expectations? What was the major disappointment about studying in Britain? Part IIDo you find British people friendly and helpful? Do you find your fellow students friendly and helpful? Did you feel a cultural shock after arriving to Britain? Did you find the authori ties (e.g. school authorities or dorm warden) supportive? Have you made friends with British students? If yes, how quickly and with how many people? Do you usually hang out with Chinese or British students? Where do you usually hang out? What do you do? Would you have a chance to do the same in China? Do you live at the dorm or somewhere else? If you live in the dorm, what do you think about living conditions, regulations, and atmosphere in the dorm? How student life is different in Britain and China? In your view, where are students’ right protected better, in Britain or China? Do you participate in extra-curriculum activities? Have you ever had a British girl/boyfriend? Do you think that British society is more liberal when it comes to question like sex or alcohol? What is the best and worst habit you’ve got into while studying in Britain? Have you ever noticed any signs of xenophobia, intolerance or discrimination towards you? There were also certain ad hoc questions. Senior students were asked one more question about their perceptions of Britain, school, and student life changing over the years. After synthesizing the raw data, I was able to get the general picture. As for the issues related to study, students reported high level of satisfaction related to the quality of studies. They often cited the reason for coming to Britain to study: China simply doesn’t have such good schools like in Britain. Students were especially excited about the opportunity to choose subjects themselves. The majority of male respondents study in the technical or economic field, the most widely cited examples were engineering, business administration and finance. Girls usually study philology and management. The students were fully satisfied with the facilities their universities offered, though many of them reported that the most reputable schools in China also have good equipment. The education system in Britain was more â€Å"serious,† as some students called it. In China, the dominant type of higher education institution is the so-called short-cycle college, while in Britain universities prevail. Language barrier was (and is) a problem for many Chinese students. Some of the students confessed that they were inherently shy, language barrier being an additional obstacle they were often afraid of speaking out. In the classroom, they were often silent and inactive because of the combination of these two factors. They also noticed that the professors focused more on the stronger students than weaker ones, while in China it’s vice-verse. The professors were reported to be very friendly and highly qualified, and many Chinese students recalled one or two professors that were helping them a lot during the whole course of studies. Many students believe that knowledge and skills acquired while studying in Britain were sufficient to become good specialists in their field. The strongest side of British education, in their view, is its closeness to real life – professors use practical example and often have much experience in the subject. The overwhelming majority was confident of their will to return to China to make a career – British diploma automatically guarantees them good employment chances. However, girls admitted that in China for a woman it’s still hard to find a decent job. Therefore girls would prefer to stay in Britain or go to some another country to study further or start a career. Generally, the most depressing experience for almost all the students were the feelings of embarrassment and helplessness during the first days in college or during a new course. They also experienced same feelings when performed badly during the studies. Chinese students are very diligent and hardworking, and discovering that their knowledge in a certain field is scarce due to the differences in high school curricula was a very unpleasant thing for them. One of the students even told me about the concept of â€Å"loosing face† applied to this issue. This concept is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and entrenched in virtually all aspects of social life. This concept is used to refer to a situation of public humiliation, and that’s one of the worst things that can happen to a Chinese. Therefore, this sort of experience was reported as painful and depressing. As for the social experience, here the students admitted the existence of certain problems. While they never noticed any signs of open discrimination, many of them failed to integrate fully in the student life. Though many British people were seen as friendly, some of them were indifferent and reluctant to help. (Getting these answers was especially hard and I had to tell them many stories of me facing discrimination abroad in order to have them talking about the way they really felt). But they told that the authorities were doing their best to help them. As for cultural shock, many students told that they wouldn’t describe their emotion after arriving to Britain as a shock. There was much surprise and confusion, but very few dared to call it a shock. Those who had had experience traveling abroad before coming to Britain told that the cultural shock was much stronger upon arriving to other countries, like the US or Russia. The only thing that was strikingly different was the concept of privacy. Chinese students were not used to privacy and had to learn to respect privacy of other students. Students believes that the national character of the British was very similar to Chinese – same respect for the law and tradition, same emphasis on holding back one’s emotional, same respect for cool reason and reserved character. However, the Chinese admitted that all these characteristics applied only to the older generation – fellow students were most frequently described as â€Å"crazy.† Still, Chinese students reported hanging out predominantly with the students of their own nationality. Chinese students named many British buddies and acquaintances, yet â€Å"true friends† were still to be found among the Chinese. Few spoke about British girl/boyfiend, and that was usually a short-term relationship. Chinese students quickly adopted the lifestyle of British students – the most widely cited leisure activity was a movie and pizza. Again, it took time to get the students talking, but many of them reported starting drinking and smoking in Britain. They believed that the British society was far more liberal than Chinese. Students living at the dorm described the atmosphere there as â€Å"incredible† with parties and accessible sex. Student life, as the Chinese students reported, was more vigorous in Britain, but they told it was â€Å"badly organized.† While the emphasis was on self-organization, this approach often failed. Details of access strategy and role to be adopted Now I’ll pass over to explaining the details of the use of interviewing process. I negotiated access to different groups of Chinese students ranging from freshmen to PhD students in the most convenient way – interviewing students at the faculty and dorm. As for the persona to choose, I introduced myself as a student from another university with a deadline for the coursework approaching. This generated compassion of the interviewed towards to interviewer. However, I didn’t express any familiar notes, because one of the weaknesses on this researched method is that interviewee may distort information through recall error, selective perceptions, desire to please interviewer. Strategy for recording and analysis When the interviewee grants permission, the easiest strategy for recording will be video/audio taping. In other cases, it should be summarized in notes. Detailed recording is a necessary part of interviews. Carefully crafted interview guides with ample space for taking down the interviewee’s answers are needed. As for data transcription and analysis, three strategies exist. According to the first one, â€Å"the interviewer (or in some cases the transcriber) listens to the tapes and writes a verbatim account of everything that was said. Transcription of the raw data includes word-for-word quotations of the participant’s responses as well as the interviewer’s descriptions of participant’s characteristics, enthusiasm, body language, and overall mood during the interview.† (Frechtling Westat, 1997) The major strengths of this transcription method are its completeness and a chance it affords for the interviewer to stay attentive and focused. The major weaknesses are the amount of time and effort necessary to produce complete transcriptions and the inhibitory impact tape recording has on some interviewees. The second strategy â€Å"draws less on the word-by-word record and more on the notes taken by the interviewer or assigned notetaker†¦This approach is recommended when resources are scarce, when the results must be produced in a short period of time, and when the purpose of the interview is to get rapid feedback from members of the target population.† (Frechtling Westat, 1997) Third approach is used when there is â€Å"no tape recording, but instead [the interviewer] takes detailed notes during the interview and draws on memory to expand and clarify the notes immediately after the interview. This approach is useful if time is short, the results are needed quickly, and the evaluation questions are simple.† (Frechtling Westat, 1997) I decided to use the second approach. I was taking quick notes during the interview and then summarized them, both analyzing and synthesizing. Discussion of ethical issues As for the ethical issue, cross-cultural perspective should be applied. The interviewer should remember that the definition of privacy and private information is different across the nations and cultural groups. The researcher should also be aware of the cultural references and sensitive issue every culture has. There are certain norms of behaviour the interviewer has to observe carefully while interviewing the Chinese students. For instance, the Chinese do not use their hands while speaking, and will be annoyed if an interviewer does so. The representatives of this nation also dislike being touched by unknown people. There is also a heavy emphasis on repressing emotion, so the interviewer should hold back the emotions while conducting the interview. As for deeper ethical concerns, the interviewer should keep in mind that Chinese people have great sense of collectivism. Therefore, they may be unlikely to share the information that can discredit the communities they belong to or to characterize them as antisocial persons. Also, the Chinese have great respect for authority, so they can be reluctant to speak their mind on the issues related to governmental policies or school administration’s decisions and actions. Therefore, an open disclaimer was made concerning the fact that the interview results were to be kept highly anonymous and wouldn’t be used for other reasons than scientific. A promise not to pass the information to the third parties was made. Conclusion In this paper I conducted the comparative analysis of different qualitative research methods in order to choose the most appropriate one to the study of the experience of Chinese students in Britain. The main advantages of this method are richer data and information about various dimensions of the same problem, opportunity to assess affective and cognitive aspects of responses, the chance to communicate face-to-face, be flexible, and explain or clarify interview questions. The weaknesses of this method include its expensive and time-consuming nature, large volume of information, often with a large percent of irrelevant data included, and distortion of information due to recall error, selective perceptions, or desire to please interviewer. Another disadvantage discovered during the formulation of the research strategy was the need to take into account a variety of ethical issues and behavioural models. I can conclude that â€Å"[i]nterviews provide very different data from observations: they allow the evaluation team to capture the perspectives of project participants, staff, and others associated with the project.† (Frechtling Westat, 1997) References:

Monday, November 25, 2019

122 Tone Words to Set the Mood in Your Story

122 Tone Words to Set the Mood in Your Story SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In writing, an author’s tone is his or her general attitude or feelings about the work’s subject matter and audience. Tone words are used to help express that attitude. In this article, we’ll talk about what tone words are, analyze their use in several examples, and give a list of tone words with definitions that you can use in your writing. What Are Tone Words? Authors convey tone through diction (word choice), viewpoint, and syntax. Tone words are specific words that help express an author’s attitude about the subject matter. Words typically have a positive, negative, or neutral connotation. Tone words help authors show whether they feel positively, negatively, or neutrally about what they’re writing about. Here are some examples of tone words in action: The proposal is so absurd that it can’t possibly be taken seriously. The tone word â€Å"absurd† indicates that the writer finds the proposal ridiculous or silly. The politician’s speech was eloquent. The tone word â€Å"eloquent† has a positive connotation, which indicates that the author found the speech articulate and persuasive. Tonevs Voice Many writers confuse tone and voice or use the two terms interchangeably. In fact, they’re very different. As we’ve already discussed, tone indicates an author or character’s attitude towards a certain topic or situation. In nonfiction, tone words indicate what the author thinks. In fiction, tone words can help to set the mood, showing whether a particular situation or interaction is tense, happy, sad, etc. Voice, on the other hand, refers to the overall personality of a work. An author’s voice may be sarcastic, informative, friendly, or something else entirely. You can remember the difference this way: tone changes all the time. Voice refers to the character that a piece has throughout. Tone can change from sentence to sentence, while voice stays consistent. Here’s an example: In a young adult novel, the author has a casual voice. She doesn’t use a particularly complex vocabulary and her writing is very approachable. Within the story, the character experiences conflict and triumph. In the scenes where there is conflict, the tone words indicate tension. In the scenes where there is triumph, tone words indicate joy. The author’s overall type of word choice and approach to writing will remain the same throughout the work, but the specific words she uses will change as she describes different situations. Put another way: voice is how readers recognize you, the author, in your work. Voice is personal to each author and lasts throughout a piece. Tone words, on the other hand, indicate the author's (or character's) reactions to or opinions of events that are happening. As different events happen, the tone shifts. How to Find the Right Tone for Your Work To find the right tone for your work, you need to consider your audience and message. Start by asking yourself these three questions: Who am I writing this piece for? What am I trying to tell my reader? How do I want my reader to feel? Your audience will dictate the types of words you choose. If you’re writing for an academic audience, you may use more complicated language than if you’re writing for kids. You also want to consider what you're telling your reader. Do you want them to walk away with a positive or negative opinion of what you're presenting? How do you want them to feel about the information you're giving? These questions will help you decide what words to use in your work. Tone Word Example Analysis Let’s take a look at two examples of tone words in classic literature. A Clean, Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway â€Å"It was very late and everyone had left the cafe except an old man who sat in the shadow the leaves of the tree made against the electric light. In the day time the street was dusty, but at night the dew settled the dust and the old man liked to sit late because he was deaf and now at night it was quiet and he felt the difference.† This excerpt demonstrates a calm, peaceful tone. Words like â€Å"settled† and â€Å"quiet† indicate the old man is relaxed and feeling safe. The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe â€Å"I gasped for breath, and yet the officers heard it not. I talked more quickly, more vehemently but the noise steadily increased. I arose and argued about trifles, in a high key and with violent gesticulations; but the noise steadily increased. Why WOULD they not be gone? I paced the floor to and fro with heavy strides, as if excited to fury by the observations of the men, but the noise steadily increased. O God! What COULD I do? I foamed I raved I swore!† This passage from The Tell-Tale Heart indicates a nervous, anxious tone. The phrases â€Å"violent gesticulations† and â€Å"heavy strides† display the rising action and contribute to the feeling of intensity. The Ultimate List of Tone Words These tone words will help establish the tone in your work. Tone Word Meaning Abashed ashamed or embarrassed; also, disconcerted Absurd ridiculous; silly. Accusatory a tone of accusation; to accuse of a crime or offense Admonishing cautioning, reproving or scolding; especially in a mild and good-willed manner; reminding. Adoring to regard with esteem, love, and respect; honor Amused pleasurably entertained, occupied, or diverted. Apathetic having or showing little or no emotion; indifferent or unresponsive. Benevolent characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings. Bewildered completely puzzled or confused; perplexed. Biting sarcastic, having a biting or sarcastic tone. Bitter characterized by intense antagonism or hostility. Blunt abrupt in manner; obtuse. Bold not hesitating or fearful in the face of danger or rebuff; courageous and daring. Brusque abrupt in manner; blunt; rough. Calm free from excitement or passion; tranquil. Candid frank; outspoken Cheery in good spirits. Churlish critical or harsh in a mean-spirited way. Comic funny; humorous. Commanding imposing; having an air of superiority. Conceited having an excessively favorable opinion of one’s self or abilities. Contentious argumentative, quarrelsome. Curt rudely brief in speech or abrupt Desperate having an urgent need, desire. Detached impartial or objective; disinterested; unbiased/ not concerned; aloof. Diabolic devilish; fiendish; outrageously wicked. Disbelieving to have no belief in; refuse or reject belief in. Disdainful expressing contempt or disdain. Disgusted to excite nausea or loathing in. To offend the taste or moral sense of. Disrespectful showing a lack of respect; rude and discourteous. Disturbed marked by symptoms of mental illness. Doubtful uncertain outcome or result. Dramatic of or pertaining to drama; excessively confrontational. Dreary causing sadness or gloom. Earnest serious in intention or sincerely zealous. Ebullient overflowing with enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited. Ecstatic in a state of ecstasy; rapturous. Effusive unreserved or unduly demonstrative. Egotistical vain; boastful; indifferent to the well-being of others; selfish. Elated very happy or proud; jubilant; in high spirits. Embarrassed to feel self-conscious or ill at ease. Enraged to make extremely angry; put into a rage; infuriate. Enthusiastic excited; energetic Evasive ambiguous; cryptic; unclear Excited emotionally aroused; stirred Facetious inappropriate; flippant Flippant superficial; glib; shallow; thoughtless; frivolous Forceful powerful; energetic; confident; assertive Formal respectful; stilted; factual; following accepted styles/rules Frank honest; direct; plain; matter-of-fact Frustrated annoyed; discouraged Gentle kind; considerate; mild; soft Ghoulish delighting in the revolting or the loathsome Grim serious; gloomy; depressing; lacking humour;macabre Gullible naà ¯ve; innocent; ignorant Hard unfeeling; hard-hearted; unyielding Humble deferential; modest Humorous amusing; entertaining; playful Hypercritical unreasonably critical; hair splitting; nitpicking Impartial unbiased; neutral; objective Impassioned filled with emotion; ardent Imploring pleading; begging Impressionable trusting; child-like Inane silly; foolish; stupid; nonsensical Incensed enraged Incredulous disbelieving; unconvinced; questioning; suspicious Indignant annoyed; angry; dissatisfied Informative instructive; factual; educational Inspirational encouraging; reassuring Intense earnest; passionate; concentrated; deeply felt Intimate familiar; informal; confidential; confessional Ironic the opposite of what is meant Irreverent lacking respect for things that are generally taken seriously Jaded bored; having had too much of the same thing; lack enthusiasm Joyful positive; optimistic; cheerful; elated Judgmental critical; finding fault; disparaging Light-Hearted carefree; relaxed; chatty; humorous Loving affectionate; showing intense, deep concern Macabre gruesome; horrifying; frightening Malicious desiring to harm others or to see others suffer; ill-willed; spiteful Mean-Spirited inconsiderate; unsympathetic Mocking scornful; ridiculing; making fun of someone Mourning grieving; lamenting; woeful Naà ¯ve innocent; unsophisticated; immature Narcissistic self-admiring; selfish; boastful; self-pitying Nasty unpleasant; unkind; disagreeable; abusive Negative unhappy, pessimistic Nostalgic thinking about the past; wishing for something from the past Objective without prejudice; without discrimination; fair; based on fact Optimistic hopeful; cheerful Outraged angered and resentful; furious; extremely angered Outspoken frank; candid; spoken without reserve Pathetic expressing pity, sympathy, tenderness Patronizing condescending; scornful; pompous Pensive reflective; introspective; philosophical; contemplative Persuasive convincing; eloquent; influential; plausible Pessimistic seeing the negative side of things Philosophical theoretical; analytical; rational; logical Playful full of fun and good spirits; humorous; jesting Pragmatic realistic; sensible Pretentious affected; artificial; grandiose; rhetorical; flashy Regretful apologetic; remorseful Resentful aggrieved; offended; displeased; bitter Resigned accepting; unhappy Restrained controlled; quiet; unemotional Reverent showing deep respect and esteem Righteous morally right and just; guiltless; pious; god-fearing Scathing critical; stinging; unsparing; harsh Scornful expressing contempt or derision; scathing; dismissive Sentimental thinking about feelings, especially when remembering the past Sincere honest; truthful; earnest Solemn not funny; in earnest; serious Thoughtful reflective; serious; absorbed Tolerant open-minded; charitable; patient; sympathetic; lenient Tragic disastrous; calamitous Unassuming modest; self-effacing; restrained Uneasy worried; uncomfortable; edgy; nervous Virtuous lawful; righteous; moral; upstanding Whimsical quaint; playful; mischievous; offbeat Witty clever; quick-witted; entertaining Wonder awe-struck; admiring; fascinating Worried anxious; stressed; fearful Tone Words: Final Thoughts Tone words help you convey your attitude towards a subject. Tone can change throughout your work as you talk about different topics. There are thousands of tone words you can use to express your attitude in your work. What’s Next? Reading The Great Gatsby for class or even just for fun?Then you'll definitely want to check out our expert guides on the biggest themes in this classic book, from love and relationships to money and materialism. Got questions about Arthur Miller'sThe Crucible? Readour in-depth articles to learn about the most important themes in this playand to geta complete rundown of all the characters. For more information on your favorite works of literature, take a look at our collection of high-quality book guides! Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Hayley Milliman About the Author Hayley Milliman is a former teacher turned writer who blogs about education, history, and technology. When she was a teacher, Hayley's students regularly scored in the 99th percentile thanks to her passion for making topics digestible and accessible. In addition to her work for PrepScholar, Hayley is the author of Museum Hack's Guide to History's Fiercest Females. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019

1- organic thin film transistor, 2- field-effect mobility for organic Essay

1- organic thin film transistor, 2- field-effect mobility for organic transistor.3- leakage current in transistors - Essay Example Digital radiography has seen drastic improvement since the adoption of TFTs in general radiography. This technology has also been used in the Active Matrix OLED (ALOMED) screens. Klauk, (2006, pp41-47) states that organic transistors are transistors that are made using thin films from an organic semiconductor instead of inorganic semiconductors in their channel. Small organic molecules may be evaporated in a vacuum to make the organic transistor. Alternatively, organic transistors are prepared by solution casting and transfer of organic single crystalline layers on a suitable substrate. The principal idea is the use of an organic material as the active semiconductor, to replace the initially used macromolecular organic materials (polymers) to increase efficiency. Electropolymerisation may still be used in case of unavailability of suitable and commonly used organic semiconductors (Brazis, Gamota, Kalyanasundaram & Zhang, 2004, p9). Optimization of structural design and devise interfaces led to several construction designs formulations but the most widely used are top and bottom contact Organic Thin Film Transistors (OTFTs). The terms top and bottom refer to the position of the two electrodes in relation to the position of the semiconductor. Top-contact OTFTs have their thin semiconductor film layer deposited first, then followed by the source and drain electrodes contacts onto the gate dielectric. A considerable reduction in contact resistance at the two electrodes; therefore they have little structural disorder at the interface. Bottom contact OTFTs have their source and drain electrode contacts first deposited first onto the gate dielectric supporter then the organic semiconductor crystal structure deposited directly on top. Molecular layers in the crystal structure are laid in a less ordered manner during the deposition onto the source and drain electrodes. While top contact OTFTs have reduced contact resistance and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Live performance viewing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Live performance viewing - Essay Example There were happy and beautiful moments where the performance shows the development of United Kingdom from the historical time to date. The five Olympic rings that came from the industrial stage of the performance, that rose high above the stadium and started sparkling was spectacular. Happy mood is also seen when the dancing nurses came with beds to celebrate the National Health Service and the world- leading children’s hospital at Great Ormond Street. These two are clearly worth celebrating and being proud of. The performance also celebrates British great literature with scenes featuring Harry Potter’s enemy Veldemort who is defeated by Mary Poppins figures and the child-catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Children are saved and returned to the safety of their beds. There was also humor and some confusion in this performance, especially when the fictional James Bond went to collect Queen Elizabeth from Buckingham Palace and brought her in the Stadium. The performance then shows an actor dressing like the Queen jumping from the helicopter. This scene was confusing but brought little humor to the play. The performance had a sad mood when there was the performance of adoptive sporting anthem â€Å"Abide With Me† by Emeli Sande. This song was accompanied by a tribute of the 7/7 terror attack victims in London that claimed the lives of 52 people. This is a very emotional moment in the performance. It was a moment of silence when the memorial wall of the victims was shown. My most favorite movement of the performance was in the industrial age. The performers were able to perfectly transition from the historical time where there were green fields to the Industrial Revolution. The performance perfectly utilized the space on the stage by displaying chimneys and factory production lines throughout the stage. Thousands of performers were able to show the crucial development in the social and cultural

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Future of the Texas Political Ideology Assignment

The Future of the Texas Political Ideology - Assignment Example According to the essay findings, from the 17th century politics was influenced by English law. Later, the French revolution reshaped American politics. Now it is promoting an American liberal democratic culture with a mixture of both majority and minority communities. Every census since 1790 has seen a change in the racial composition of the country from the free male, free female, slaves to the current complex ethnic groups. Data on the current population indicates that ethnic diversity in the United States is rapidly growing. At present America consists of 75% white population but the census data predict the fact that the Anglo population, Asian population, and other minority population will increase very rapidly and it will contribute a major portion of the population in the near future. Hispanics are the fastest-growing minority, 90 percent of which is located in only ten states. It is observed that the political ideology of these groups will be a challenging factor for the futur e of Texas politics.  The economic and social infrastructure development of the country also has a great role in the future political situation of the country. Now, due to the advancement in the healthcare and improvements in the standards of life of the people, the mortality ratio of the population has decreased. The rapid increase in the aged population will be a challenging factor for every state and political Governance. It will result in the expansion of health care services, social security measures and public health services for the vast population. The productive age group will decrease and it will affect the economic growth of the country and accelerate the migration of labor forces from Asian countries.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Multimedia In Future Generation Systems Computer Science Essay

Multimedia In Future Generation Systems Computer Science Essay This paper discusses about the mobile multimedia used in various generation of mobile system. It focuses on all the generations that are up to the current trend and also about the future generation which is to be implemented. Since the technologies are improving day by day, it is appropriate to focus on this title which helps us to gain more knowledge about the evolution of mobile multimedia. Number of technologies are been discussed in this paper and which generation of mobile system uses what technology are also discussed in deep. On the other hand the implementation of the future generation (4G) is mainly discussed and the problems it could face while implementing this new generation is also focused. Carrying on with this discussion, a research and investigation topic is brought up where it helps to find the solutions that are used to overcome such problem in a detailed manner and so the readers could easily understand and get to know more about such advanced systems. Summing up, it is clear that in the future nothing is possible without a mobile multimedia communication and without such advanced systems. Mobile Multimedia plays a very important role in this current generation. It is in that state where nothing can take place without a mobile multimedia. Multimedia is a combination of media of different types such as text, audio, image, and video which is represented in a digital form. Text is a string of alphabets from a particular character set. Image is an object that represents a picture form that consists of lines, curves, circles, and so on (Halsall, 2001).Computer generated graphics and digitized documents, and graphical arts are some of the examples of images. Images consists of two different forms, they could be 2D or 3D. When compared with that of hi-fi audio and video systems the bandwidth required for the transmission of text and image is less. Audio is represented by the amplitude of sound waves, which has low-fidelity speech during conversations through telephones and high-fidelity quality audio sound. Video is a motion of frames or images, it can also be known as the tr ansmission of the visible part. It is the broadcasting medium of stationary or movable objects. For such as these communications, implementation of several technologies was involved from earlier generation that is from 1G to the latest development 3G which is further developed to 4G now. The cellular telephony concept that had first been put forward in the late 1940s received a minimal research and development effort during the late 1950s. Every generation that were implemented involves some special technologies. These developments of technologies are according to the requirements of that certain period. But it is clearly noticed that the technological improvement are increasing day by day and several new developments and invented every time. Through this the service providers and the end users are satisfied with the technologies that are implemented. Technology advancements in many areas make it possible to build devices that were not possible even 5 years ago. This paper mainly di scusses about multimedia involving in mobile technology and different fields where mobile multimedia can be used. It also focuses on the different generations of mobile technology where this mobile multimedia had been implemented. As it is known, the mobile world is waiting for the next generation of technology to be implemented, that is 4G. Therefore it is appropriate to focus about this generation in this paper where mobile multimedia will definitely be used. Some importance is also given to 3G since it also used more of this mobile multimedia which served every mobile user up to their expectation without any failure of the implementation process. Expectations are more on this mobile multimedia technology since everything in this current trend requires such technology. Something very much advanced is to be implemented in this upcoming generation of mobile system 4G which are also expected to be derived from the 3G mobile technology. Everyone hopes that the 4G technology will definitely offer a high speed and high quality compared to those of the previous generation multimedia systems. The advancement of the multimedia technology of 4G from 3G is also spoken in this paper and the problems that could arise whi le implementing the mobile multimedia in the future generation are also discussed. Several solutions were gained where such problems while implementing multimedia in 4G can be rectified, so that implantation can easily be carried out. The advantages of 4G are also shown in this paper and how these advantages will be helpful for the end user are also shown in detail. Its no doubt that the users are eagerly waiting for this generation of mobile multimedia technology to be implemented. 2.0 Literature review As previously mentioned, this section focuses on the mobile multimedia technologies at different generations that existed before this current generation of mobile network systems that is the 3G. This gives the readers a brief idea of the previous generation of mobile multimedia and also of how they have been working and how it was useful for the end users. The following paragraphs discusses about the different generations where mobile multimedia have been used. 2.1 Mobile Multimedia in 1G Mobile Technology: This first generation mobile technology became available during the late 1970s to the early 1980s. There were number of other analogue 1G cellular system that began to be deployed around the world during 1980s. This 1G mobile technology is the very first mobile telephones and it is also known as cellular mobile radio telephone. It is that only through this technology the first communication through a mobile phone was made. It was mainly based on analogue signals and this generation consisted of the original analogue signal and it was voice-only cellular telephone standard. These analogue signals were in a wave-like form through which the communications were carried out [Sarah Hyllok, 2000]. All first generation cellular systems used analogue frequency modulation for the transmission of voice messages. For the communication in 1G mobile network, two frequency bands were used called as the downlink and uplink transmissions [Gary J.Mullett., 2005]. This type of mobile communication was considered to be the earliest cellular system to be developed. Since the implementation of 1G mobile technology there were no means of communication through the air using a mobile device. This generation of mobile systems did not have that much of multimedia working on it but the system standard of 1G mobile system sets a operation as a procedure that were required between the mobile subscribers device and the cellular base station. This system also prescribed a protocol and signal that were necessary for the successful exchange of messages or communicating data between the mobile and the cell base station As it is well known, this generation of cellular system uses analogue signals and these signals were developed based on the Improved Mobile Telephone Service (IMTS) [Gary J.Mullett.,2005]. The network standards that were used for this generation of mobile system was Advanced Mobile Phone Service(AMPS), Total Access Communication System(TACS), N ordic Mobile Telephone(NMT). 2.2 Mobile Multimedia in 2G Mobile Technology: The second generation mobile technology was developed during the 1990s. This second generation of cellular systems used digital signals instead of analogue signals. In this generation of mobile system mobile multimedia was introduced. The special feature in this 2G mobile system is the conversion of users voice from analogue to voice message in a digital form. Such conversion is helpful to accommodate more than one user at a time[Gary J.Mullett.,2005]. The main digital signalling is to provide a better voice service to the end users or the consumers. Normally multimedia technology is responsible in providing a good quality of sound. Not only digital signalling was for voice services, it was also used for text messaging and Wireless Application Protocol(WAP) internet access which is impossible without a digitalised version of this multimedia technology. It is a fact that text messages and internet accessing is only been possible through a digital technology of networks. Wireless multimedia was featured in this second generation of mobile systems enabled by Broadcoms GSM/GPRS solution. This solution provided the handheld devices multimedia features such as MMS, WAP2.0 and JAVA applications. The network standards the supported the multimedia in 2G were, Global System for Mobile Communication(GSM) Digital AMPS(D-AMPS) Personal Digital Cellular(PDC) CDMA One[Gour Karmakar et al 2008]. 2.3 Mobile Multimedia in 2.5G Mobile Technology : 2.5G mobile technology in just the advanced version of 2G. 2.5G mobile system has brought us from the first generation of cellular telephone system through the second generation due to the continual and unrelenting onrush of technology[Gary J.Mullett., 2005]. Since 2G system introduced access to the internet, there was a demand for a better data service and better access to the internet. That is the reason the developing team introduced this generation system which met the demands of the consumers. As discussed earlier mobile multimedia was introduced in 2G and therefore there were better service of this multimedia technology when compared with 2G. The access to the internet and other data services was really good and faster than that of 2G mobile technology. While 2.5G system was in action, a broad framework of 3G specifications had already been laid out. But the developers choice was to move into this generation and then into the next technology that is the 3G. This 2.5G was just a n evolutionary approach or an upgrading the existing cellular system before a main generation of mobile technology to be introduced[Gary J.Mullett., 2005]. This 2.5G of mobile technology extends the capability of 2G by providing additional features such as packet-switched connection (GPRS) and enhanced data rates (HSCSD)[Gour Karmakar et al 2008]. Open Multimedia Application Platform(OMAP) were enabled in this mobile system that provided a multimedia-rich capabilities. This OMAP had two main advantages, To maximise the overall performance of the mobile system. To minimise the power consumption. The OMPA core also had two external memory interface and one internal memory port which supports the synchronous and asynchronous memories. These memory ports are used for configuration and also for the storage of the program that supports the multimedia. The other memory allows direct connection to the chip. To enable such high level of multimedia application for a high-end phone Reduced Instruction Set Computing(RISC) and Digital Signal Processor(DSP) are also required.[J. Chaoui et al, 2009]. The definition for DSP and RISC will be discussed in 3G section since this enabling system is used more there. 2.4 Mobile Multimedia in 3G Mobile Technology: This 3G mobile generation is in the current trend and almost all service providers work with this technology and through which the consumers are satisfied with technological development. This 3G technology involves all advanced versions of the 2G and 2.5G mobile systems. 3G uses a host of high-tech infrastructure networks which enables the user to access the internet at a high-speed[]. This 3G cellular system provides a better bandwidth to support varying data rates on demand to the subscribers. 3G mainly provides an easy access to the internet than the previous generations. Additional to this, 3G mobile system supports multiple simultaneous connections, IP addressing to the users and so anything can be done online. This concept of mobile multimedia can also be called as Anywhere, Anytime and Anyhow accessing. For these technologies to be successful, 3G offers superior voice quality and broadband data transmission. 3G mobile system is doing a pretty good job of deli vering mobile broadband to a new generation of devices[]. Now a days all the mobile phone manufacturers are mainly focusing on manufacturing mobile devices that support 3G technology. Its just because this generation offers some advanced techniques and so it is better and easy to use for the mobile users. Mobile broadband offers almost all facilities in accessing the internet on a mobile device. It also provided positioning services and these services were made available where 3G system works on a mobile device. The most essential feature in 3G mobile system was video conferencing. First it is good to know something about video conferencing before focusing on how 3G multimedia technology is useful in video conferencing. Video conferencing is also done with the help of mobile multimedia applications and it is a 2 way communication with real time audio and vision and it also allows to display papers using the electronic document camera and also allows to play pre -recorded videos. This 3G is the advanced form of mobile communication as it allows to stream video. These are all done through the means of introducing mobile multimedia in to the third generation of mobile systems. As discussed earlier the implementation of DSP/RISC in this 3G system provided a high level of multimedia application. Supporting handsets were manufactured to implement such technology. OMPA in addition to DSP and RISC were also used to make the multimedia application more effective that the end users to be satisfied of the applications. The essential feature of this multimedia application in 3G is not being used widely due to the screen size of the mobile phone; rather people find it easy and comfortable if done through a personal computer. So as said before this 3G mobile system gives the entire essential feature to the user for their convenience[J. Chaoui et al, 2009]. In some countries this 3G were not implemented due to following factors, Building new networks costs more. Cost involved in additional spectrum licensing. Cost of upgrading equipments [Gour Karmakar et al, 2008]. This 3G has some very important advantages, Enhanced multimedia which has control over voice, data, video and remote control. Accessible on all popular modes such as e-mail, fax, web browsing. High speed usage and a broad bandwidth.[] 2.4.1 Role of DSP/RISC in 3G: Digital Signal Processor(DSP) and Reduced Instruction Set Computing(RISC) are included in the OMAP architecture. RISC architecture is responsible for control type code such as the Operating System, User Interface, and the OS applications. A DSP does the signal processing applications which gives a good quality of output such as MPEG4 video, speech recognition, and audio playback. As it is known the OMAP core includes two external memory interfaces and one internal memory port. One of the external memory interfaces is used to support direct connection to synchronous and the other to support the standard asynchronous memories. The asynchronous memory types are SRAM, FLASH, or burst FLASH devices and this memory type is used to store programs. The internal memory connects directly to the on-chip memory which can be used to access data whenever required. The interfaces are not dependent on each other and allow to access the data from direct memory access (DMA) unit. There are numerous interfaces contained in the OMAP core that connects to the peripheral or to the external devices from the DSP or GPP. DMA is also supported by these interfaces to improve the efficiency of the system.[J.Chaoui et al, 2000] 2.4.2 General Characteristics of 3G Mobile Multimedia: There are some general characteristics of this generation which uses multimedia applications, 3G offers seamless interoperability and inter-working among various technologies and systems. The single standard provides the functionality of mobile, voice, data, internet and multimedia services onto a single platform. IMT-2000 user can also experience seamless delivery of services over a number of media. It provides high transmission rates, minimum of 2Mbps for users on the go and 348Kbps for mobile users. 2.5 Mobile Multimedia in 4G Mobile Technology 4G mobile system is the advanced technology of all other generations. This forth coming generation is expected to provide a wide variety of services from high-quality voice to high-definition videos anywhere in the world through high data rate wireless channels [Young Kyun et al, 2005]. For the purpose of high data rate, broad frequency bands are required and such broadband can be obtained by higher frequency bands such as microwave, millimetre-wave etc [Communications Magazine, IEEE 2008]. Developments are being carried out for a higher capacity with the help of the terminal protocol technology. A separate technology known as the public software platform technology is used to enable the application programs for downloading, and to provide high quality media coding technology over mobile networks. 4G mobile technology will have higher transmission data rate than 3G for the purpose of better communication. The goal of 4G is the convergence of wireless mobile with wireless access multi media communication technologies[Gary J.Mullett., 2005]. 2.5.1 Expected Characteristics of 4G Mobile Multimedia Informations that could be accessible from anywhere globally. Transmission of real-time data in a high-level quality, since demand for multimedia data is increasing day after day. The transmission cost is expected to be low. Personalized integrated service instantly[Gour Karmakar et al, 2008]. 4G is expected to provide an improved broadband, much better than the 3G technology. The flow of data transmission could be in a higher speed for a better service. 4G is expected to provide the users with high quality colour video images and 3D graphic animation games[Young Kyun et al, 2005]. Mobile multimedia in interaction. Mobile multimedia in action. 4G is also expected to be a combination of WiMAX and WiFi and such advanced multimedia system has been developed with two main architectures, Interworking: This is used to work internally among different networks such as wireless LAN ad-hoc, digital video broadcast-terrestrial(DVB-T). Integration: This is to provide a seamless integration of all the generation of mobile system into a single technology[Ruiz 2002]. 3.0 Research and investigation Since this paper focuses mainly on the implementation of multimedia it is appropriate to investigate and compare this generation (4G) with the rest of the previous generations. This generation of mobile system includes all the technologies that were involved in the implementation and the working of the 3G. Some special technologies such WiMAX are also included to deliver any fundamental shift in the underlying cost. 4G can be called as the evolution and the revolution of the mobile systems. It is just because some of the techniques are expected to be derived from the previous generation (3G) and some are to be new innovation technologies. Technologies are being developed by the 3GPP long-term evolution project team to make a move from the current generation to the next generation. This project is carried out such a way that this generation has the maximum level of multimedia applications that benefits the end users. Thus a great expectation is on this generation of mobile systems and the whole world is looking forward to work on this technology in the near future. This generation of mobile systems cannot be compared to the first (1G) or the second (2G) generation since its (4G) capability is far beyond these generations. There are some challenges to be faced while implementing this generation of technology (4G). The major challenges that are to be considered are the mobile stations, systems and services. It is because of the advanced technologies deployed in the generation and so the systems are required to support such advanced mobile multimedia technologies. The mobile stations need to work in that speed of this system only then the data transmission will be continuous and without any delay in accessing for the users. 4.0 Conclusion Summing up the whole paper it is noticed that nothing could take place without a mobile multimedia application and communication. The different generations had different specialities and different technologies, but every time the system improves with the forth coming generation. For every generation the mobile operators around the globe are offering an increasing variety of mobile multimedia service [Gary J.Mullett.,2005]. In the first generation (1G) basic trends towards a mobile system had been described, but it is no more used. Similar way in the second generation (2G) an advanced study has been made since this system is still being used in some countries. The next generation (3G) which is being used now dealt with the emerging technologies as well as the path way to the future generation. On the whole the implementation of mobile multimedia in 4G is well spoken and some solutions were given to overcome the problem.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

David St. John :: essays research papers fc

The Work of David St. John David St. John writes of love in a pessimistic way in his collection of poems, The Red Leaves of Night. His writings suggest love is unattainable and his relationships with people (especially with females) are portrayed as negative. St. John creates a fallen man in his text, especially when his poems focus on his dilemmas with women. Psychoanalysis plays a large role in the writings of St. John being that he shows the effects of his downfall and the negativity the downfall incorporates. Lacanian psychoanalysis suggests our language is structured like our subconscious and full of desires. Lacanian analysis also shows that the  ¡Ã‚ §signs ¡Ã‚ ¨ in language are split between the signifier and the signified and the barrier between the two lead to unfulfilled desires. St. John ¡Ã‚ ¦s poetry is swarming with lines alluding to unfulfilled desires or a longing for things that simply cannot be obtained. St. John establishes the breaking of a psyche and through Lacanian analysis we can s ee that the desires expressed in his poetry will never be met. Through Lacanian analysis, we are able to see that St. John is seeking more, and wanting more substance out of relationships and his life that cannot be obtained. St. John is longing for a sense completeness yet his completion is something that can never happen. Lacan shows the human psyche in three parts, similar to that of Sigmund Freud. Lacan calls the three parts  ¡Ã‚ §Orders ¡Ã‚ ¨ and they consist of the Imaginary, the Symbolic, and the Real. The Imaginary is  ¡Ã‚ §the part of the psyche that contains our wishes, fantasies, and, most importantly, images ¡Ã‚ ¨ (Bressler 156). Lacan ¡Ã‚ ¦s major focus is in his theory that our psyche is lack and fragmentation.  ¡Ã‚ §We have longings for love, for physical pleasure ¡Kbut nothing can fulfill our desire to return to the Imaginary Order and be at one with our mother ¡Ã‚ ¨ (Bressler 158). Many of the poems in The Red Leaves of Night withhold the sense that St. John is yearning for something and is never complete. For example, in his poem  ¡Ã‚ §The Unsayable, the Unknowable & You ¡Ã‚ ¨ St. John presents a situation where he is completely captivated by a woman and lusts for more activity with her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚    ¡Ã‚ §My prize: A night alone (again) with you,tracing/This brocade of sweat along your amber shoulder./Let ¡Ã‚ ¦s weave together the dawn ¡Ã‚ ¦s superior light-/A script of bodies, inscribed by the summer ¡Ã‚ ¦s night ¡Ã‚ ¨ (St.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Older and younger generations Essay

Describe and explain the different responses of the characters to the Inspector’s visit; and explore Priestley’s reasons for showing a difference between the older and younger generations  The characters respond to the Inspector’s news in very different ways. You get the impression that Arthur Birling doesn’t care about the situation that has occurred with Eva Smith.  Ã¢â‚¬ËœAnd I don’t see where I come into this.’ This suggests that he thinks that he cannot do wrong but we find out that he is the one that sacked Eva Smith for wanting a pay rise. This started the sequence of events that led to her eventual death. Arthur Birling is moved to anger. He implies that he is a friend of the Chief Constable Colonel Roberts and that the Inspector cannot talk to him in such a way. He considers the talk as ‘uncalled for and officious’. Arthur tries to belittle the Inspector and is very hostile towards him. He reacts like this because he doesn’t want to ruin his reputation and blames the Inspector for the interruption of the celebration of Sheila and Gerald’s engagement. Arthur’s social position makes him react as he does. He thinks that he is superior and only looks after himself. Birling is presented to us as a character that thinks he is right and won’t be tolerant Birling’s daughter Sheila on the other hand is co-operative with the Inspector. She notes that no one told him anything that he did not already know. She is moved to tears of shock and guilt: the Inspector is successful in making her see the consequences of her actions. When she realises that she is the person that got Eva Smith sacked she thinks that she is responsible for her death. Sheila is more supportive to the enquiry. This shows that she is understanding and shows that she cares about the whole Eva Smith situation, unlike her father Mr Birling. Here we can start to see the different attitude that the younger and older characters play. Arthur Birling keeps insisting that Sheila should not be brought into this matter. Mrs Birling says to Sheila ‘I think you ought to go to bed’. She is trying to control Sheila and treats her like a child. Mrs Birling thinks that she is superior ‘Girls of that class -‘it is as though she is looking down on the girls. Regardless of the fact that Gerald, Mr Birling and Mrs Birling try to protect Sheila; she is the one that can actually face the truth. When the Inspector says that Eva Smith was also known as Daisy Renton, Gerald tries to hide his reaction because he played a part in Daisy Renton’s life. He is distressed by his realisation in Eva Smith’s/Daisy Renton’s life and death. Sheila tells him to tell the Inspector, implying that the Inspector knows the truth already. Gerald asks Sheila to leave the room because he doesn’t want to expose any more unpleasantness. Gerald tries to justify that he is a hero when he says:  Ã¢â‚¬ËœI became at once the most important person in her life†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã‚  whereas he is also anxious that he has a shameful link to Eva Smith’s death. Mrs Birling remains entirely untouched by the Inspector’s questioning.  Ã¢â‚¬ËœI did nothing that I’m ashamed of or that won’t bear investigation.’  She feels no shame because she refuses to see how Eva Smith’s death can have followed as a consequence of her actions. Mrs Birling believes that a working class girl deserves all that she gets. She reveals her assumptions about people ‘make sure that he’s compelled to confess in public his responsibility’. She thinks this is the right thing to do but at the end she doesn’t do the right thing.  When the inspector confronts Eric, he reacts similarly to his sister, realising that he has done wrong. Eric is a complicated character. At the start of the play he is really immature. He believes that women are just there to be sexually used. When he gets Eva pregnant he tries to do the decent thing by giving her money. He steals the money from Birling’s office.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Effective Educational Leader Essay Sample

Effective Educational Leader Essay Sample Effective Educational Leader Essay Sample Effective Educational Leader Essay Sample The ability to lead is inborn only in 5% percent of the population. The rest should either follow the group or develop the key leader ship characteristics. Perhaps, the majority would prefer the second option, yet, not everyone is that talented. The rareness of the ability to lead makes it an important and desirable feature for many people. The leadership is even more important in the school settings where each student aims at achieving high levels. A systematic approach to learning processes as well as managing diverse teams becomes crucial for the future of the children today and adults tomorrow. These children will choose the President and determine the trends for the upcoming days. Therefore, they have to be guided in a quite wise manner by the professionals. Otherwise, the system will be ruined and the talents would be lost. The educational leadership plays a key role in motivating, encouraging, stimulating, and challenging the practices of pedagogy. It refers to many endeavors involving the reflections and inquiries that significantly impact the interactions among the communities, educators, parents, and children. Thus, educational leadership matters. This MA program is believed to prepare professionals who would be able to lead or occupy leadership positions in the communities, schools, districts, states, universities, etc. The curriculum provides critical assessment of the conceptual, organizational, managerial, social, political, and other dimensions that are inherent for the leading schools. The further analysis of these techniques and their implementation would allow increasing educational opportunities for children and youth residing in both urban and rural communities. The overall aim of the MA students is to learn how to enhance the opportunities for the children and youth through the programs that are linked to the practices important in everyday life. Leadership Strengths Self-Appraisal Considering inborn leadership and developed characteristics, I dare say that the following are inherent for my leadership style. The first advantage refers to my natural charisma. This is an issue that I exactly know when I need to apply my inborn charisma, and when I can simply let it shine through. In fact, I consider this feeling to be even more important than simply having charisma. To be honest, I use this natural ability very often as it can help to achieve considerable success. I always feel the moment when the situation is the most suitable and when there is a need for letting others, who are less charismatic or shy, shine. In addition to the mentioned, I consider myself to be able to communicate freely without any barriers and, if needed, to criticize people in a rather constructive way.   Moreover, I always provide a feedback, especially the positive one. In my opinion, it is a good model for cooperation, sharing, and goodwill. All of it would definitely be contributing f or my success as an educational leader. Moreover, I have good manners which make people like me at first glance. Sometimes, I guess I have a heightened feeling of charm or special style, which attracts others. Perhaps, the main reason for this is the fact that most of the time I am rather attentive to the non-verbal means of communication. Using it, I always try to encourage people, to motivate them, to provide them with certain amount of energy, and to allow them to feel my sympathy and loyalty when needed. Thus, I hope that they feel my caring about them. Furthermore, I have drive or dynamism that leaders need. This reflects my inner metal power that helps me to continue going. Additionally, I am well organized and can control my temper. There are practically no barriers in communication with others. I used to give feedbacks and criticize people in a constructive way providing them alternatives. In my opinion, such a constructive yet inspiring method of indicating one’s mistakes makes the world a better place and helps to remove everything secondary. I can cope with stressful management. I am not hasty in making decisions. Finally, I am sympathetic with regard to others, and this makes me rather tolerant person. The Attitudes, Behaviors and Skills that Ensure the Effective Educational Leadership In terms of the leadership appraisal provided above, there are a lot of things that should be mastered in order to become a qualified educational leader. They primarily refer to the building of four dimensions: the enhancement of the instructional leadership skills, the development of the unique management style (as provided below), the ability to build the community, and the ability to create the vision. The instructional leadership provides some features of character that are either inborn or needed to be developed. First of all, effective educational leaders have to improve their qualifications on ongoing basis. The frequent methods of learning and counseling and other educational assistance become outdated with time. Thus, in order to ensure that the children are guided by the best techniques possible, this theoretical background of the leadership should be reviewed repeatedly. Secondly, the leaders themselves have to understand, realize, and accept the commitment to academic success of all students, especially those who are struggling for learning new things. An effective educational leader must also have an efficient communication system within school facilities. The teachers, students, administration, etc should provide feedbacks. All of this is important to ensure two- or multiway communication and interaction that would help to address the emerging challenges immediately. Special attention is to be paid to the feelings and perceptions of the students as they are usually in their most vulnerable age, and everything should be explained to them in a wise manner. The traumas that could be acquired at this age might influence their entire lives. Thus, the educational leader should encourage the interactions among teachers and students as well as school administration. And, therefore, it requires certain skills to be learned and sharpened by a successful educational leader. The concept of the instructional leadership also provides such a behavioral pattern when educational leader is engaged in educational practices (Green, 2012). They are frequently recommended not only to observe learning process but also to be engaged in and to monitor the reactions of the group. All if would help to recognize moods and expectations of the students and take steps to meet their expectations towards learning process. Most importantly, the leaders should develop some new rules. That is all that educational leadership is about. The leaders have to show positive examples and encourage others to take responsibilities. They also should defend others so the latter realize their own initiatives that would positively impact community or even the whole country they live in. The educational leader has to strengthen the community where he or she operates and to contribute to developing cohesiveness among its residents. The role of educational leaders widens together with the need for building strong relations inside certain community. Naturally, the traditional approach of top-down decisions could not be applicable under the conditions of the modern society. The traditional community is filled with teachers, leaders, students, parents, etc, and the mission of an educational leader is to reach synergy in his/her efforts in order to achieve common goals. Thus, the communication is crucial for educational leaders, and these skills are to be developed at the highest level possible. Finally, a vision of an ultimate goal has to be established by the leader that everyone follows. The goal-setting is quite challenging process as it involves audit of the current resources and drawing of the action plan off these resources. The actions are frequently limited by various factors, thus the educational leader should learn how to retrieve maximum utility from the resources available at the moment. Management Style The effective educational leader has to ensure that the personnel are managed properly and that the conflicts are resolved in a timely manner. To ensure that the leader should adopt strategy of building strong and cohesive team, be able to produce new initiatives, set the procedures for the conflict settlement, and, finally, elaborate the plan for dealing with the resistance to changes that are introduced within the educational environment. The challenges that are faced by educational leaders may vary by a group of educators or by the rules of the schools, academic communities, etc. However, the most serious issue that concerns all leaders is their ability to engage in, effectively manage, and motivate their followers or team members. It is particularly important when the entire educational personnel are given the task or project which is to be performed with the help of all members’ efforts. Moreover, the success of it depends on how much energy and creativity such educators are going to produce. There are no issues that will reach the stage of its implementation if group members are uninterested in its development. At this point, the lack of motivation or focus on work might cause the decrease in productivity. Thus, the goal of the successful educational leader is to engage everyone into activities in the most productive way. Productive educators are easily recognizable. First of all, they know their goals and use wisely all the resources given to them. The effective use of time, skills, and abilities of everyone is their key priority. Any worker gets his/her orders and is responsible for a certain part of work. At the same time, those activities, which require team efforts, are performed in groups where the guidance is made through the orders of an educational leader. They are not prohibited from criticizing the results of others, and their ideas are born during hot discussions in which virtually every member of the group actively participates. Even if there is a glimpse of disagreement, it is considered as a good thing. The atmosphere the personnel operate in is rather comfortable, informal, and relaxing. In order to realize all the things described above, an effective educational leader should introduce the following steps. First of all, he/she must establish the goal or task that is to be reached through the joint efforts of the whole team. Secondly, he/she must introduce the rules of a game or, in other words, explain how the process of achieving common goal will be implemented. He/she determines the tasks being performed separately and the areas of work needing joint activities. In addition to this, an effective leader should determine strengths and weaknesses of his team members at first sight. Moreover, he/she has to divide duties accordingly to ensure the high productivity of the team. All of these will simultaneously make the team cohesive and the tasks oriented towards many common activities. This will also prevent the conflicts due to the existence of clear rules for everyone to follow. The conflict is defined as the â€Å"interaction of interdependent people who perceive opposition goals and values, and who see the other party as potentially interfering in their realization† (Green, 2012). In case the conflict occurs, the following steps should be taken. First, the dispute should be assessed in terms of its intensity, clarity, longevity, etc. The golden rule in this regard is that the conflict should be resolved in a timely manner. A hidden conflict equals to time bomb; and the longer it remains unresolved, the more disastrous the consequences of its explosion may be (Green, 2012). Definitely, there is no such a way that would allow decreasing and minimizing all the conflicts. They are an integral part of any daily routine, and they help in identifying the truth. In case of their occurrence, an educational leader should identify the positions of the parties involved and their key arguments. Afterwards, he/she has to make decisions either solely or together w ith the board. The latter is viewed as the means of a more objective way for conflict resolution as more people are involved, and it is harder to bribe them all. Therefore, this method of dealing with conflicts is recommended for the introduction within school settings. Finally, an effective educational leader should develop strategies in order to cope with the change resistance. The reasons for resistance to changes vary. Therefore, it is rather silly to infer that somebody is reluctant to simply change his/her private reasons or character inclinations. The truth lies in the middle. Some individuals are just afraid of anything unfamiliar due to their temperament, while others are not ready to face new challenges due to poor management of changes implementation. People resist changes because of mistrust and individual predisposition towards these changes. It should be noted that educational leaders can significantly decrease the resistance to changes while applying the techniques and following the models that help employees to go through transitional period. They should serve as the means of communicating messages of change. On the other hand, such leaders are those who can provide the board with the feedbacks received from employees being of great importance for change-implementation process and needing to be addressed to immediately. There are a lot of approaches an effective educational leader might use in order to overcome change resistance. For example, he/she might offer the educators to participate in change-introducing process. In accordance with one of the studies conducted recently, the degree to which employees are engaged in change-implementing process significantly impacts the rate of change resistance. The results showed that those employees, who actually were provided with the opportunity to suggest the changes introduced, offer no resistance later. Thereafter, those others are simply ordered to perform their work activities in a different way dropped by two thirds by the end of the first month after the changes were introduced. Therefore, in order to minimize the risks of change resistance, one can simply involve the personnel into the process of decision-making in terms of introducing the changes. Expected Outcomes In conclusion, all of the skills, behaviors, attitudes, and management styles that have been mentioned above create a comprehensive strategy. The latter is to be followed in order to develop strong educational leadership. It represents the puzzle where every element is important in finishing the masterpiece. Thus, the communication serves many purposes from explaining the reasons and the benefits of the changes to the discoveries of the underlying thoughts and considerations regarding the ideas collected from the students. The ability to organize team and make it cohesive and strong will be important for the productive and fruitful cooperation of everyone in reaching their common goal. The unique management style that provides the engagement of the employees, the strategies for change resistance and conflict resolutions would help to eliminate possible flaws or barriers to defective operations. The vision would serve as the uniting reason for everyone to make his or her best achievin g the set goals and improving the learning processes for all the students.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Since no man has any natural authority over his fellows Essays

Since no man has any natural authority over his fellows Essays Since no man has any natural authority over his fellows Paper Since no man has any natural authority over his fellows Paper Rousseau endeavours to find a form of association which will defend the person and goods of each member with the collective force of all, and under which each individual, while uniting himself with others, obeys no-one but himself, and remains as free as before (p. 60). The solution to this conundrum is Rousseaus social contract where each one of us puts into the community his person and all his powers under the supreme direction of the general will; and as a body we incorporate every member as an indivisible part of the whole (p. 61). The people become a single unity with a will of its own and a common purpose. In effect man gives up completely his natural liberty and in return receives civil liberty. By renouncing natural liberty we are giving up the ability to indulge our animal desires but in return we gain a civil liberty, something we aspire to as an intelligent being and a man (p. 65). When man has civil liberty he is truly free because this requires obedience to a law that is his own. Civil liberty is not giving in to impulsive desires but instead the being faithful to second order desires. Real freedom does not lie in the satisfaction of animal impulses but in the satisfying of desires that men as rational beings desire. Mans interaction with others will require the use of reason and the use of will in order for him to subordinate immediate personal desire to a higher social good. When Rousseau talks of taking men as they are (p. 41), he doesnt insinuate the corrupt beings of contemporary society but instead natural man, men who are capable of rational thought and who are subject to morality. It is important to understand mans desire for self-preservation and his own self interest, it is the consideration of these factors that men will enter into a political society. The positive advantages gained from such an agreement will guarantee self-preservation and secure proprietorship but more importantly man acquires moral freedom. Rousseau maintains that to be governed by appetite alone is slavery, [but] obedience to a law one prescribes to oneself is freedom (p. 65). As soon as man follows order instead of impulse his existence is given elevation and importance that are unknown to man in his state of nature. Rousseau is clear in his belief that it is only the participation in political society that can transform man from a stupid and limited animal (p. 65). Man having surrendered his natural liberty now submits himself to the general will (p. 61). Consent is no longer sufficient to establish the legitimacy of the acts of sovereign, a man has no right to call another his slave, but only through consent of the slave which is indeed absurd1. Mans intrinsic freedom is realised by a submission to the general will because it can neither alienate any part of itself (p. 60) nor offend against any one of its members without offending the body (p. 60). If this social contract is adhered to then there cannot be a manifestation of any particular will or interest in conflict with the common interest. The social contract makes men equal by covenant and by right (p. 68) and it is Rousseaus intention to bring together individuals in a way that gives them a collective expression and a collective force. It is with this knowledge that the individual will surrender his own limited power for the protection given by the combined power of the whole community. The concept of the collective force and sovereignty is irrelevant unless everyone without exception accepts it, for if any individual were to be considered exempt genuine political freedom is impossible. With the conditions being equal for all, namely the total alienation by each associate of himself and all his rights to the whole community (p. 60) and because all freely accept them; in obeying the supreme direction of the general will (p. 61), the citizens are obeying themselves and this is truly freedom. The citizens commit themselves on the same conditions and must enjoy the same rights; sovereignty becomes the guarantor of freedom but Rousseaus account of freedom is paradoxical. Man has to understand that his view point is false and his real will is to be identified with the community as a whole, whoever refuses to obey the general will shall be compelled to do so by the whole of society, which means nothing less than he will be forced to be free (p. 64). How can it be legitimate to force someone to be free? Such a statement seems to advocate a form of totalitarianism but despite any dark undertones conjured from such a statement there is an inclination to be sympathetic. Rousseau presents us with a situation where we all participate in governing ourselves as one body, what else are we to do when, in society someone wishes to undermine a system so legitimately formed? Natural freedom cannot be granted to individuals who would use it in a manner as to undermine the civil freedom we encompass as a body politic. We cannot allow democratic freedom to destabilise democracy itself. BIBLIOGRAPHY Penguin Classics, Jean Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract Ronald Grimsley, The Philosophy of Rousseau, Oxford University Press, 1973 Anthony Harrison-Barbet, Mastering Philosophy, Macmillan Press, 1990 Asher Horowitz, Rousseau, Nature, and History, University of Toronto Press, 1987 1 Mastering Philosophy, Anthony Harrison-Barnet, Macmillan Master Series, 1990.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Applicability of deterrence theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Applicability of deterrence theory - Essay Example Contrary to religious philosophers like Thomas Aquinas, Hobbes delineates people as neither good nor bad. Aquinas insists that men are ethical rather than evil. From Hobbes view, human beings chase their self-interests like material gain, security, and protecting their reputations. Consequently, humans pursue their interests in disregard of others. Therefore, they end up offending others and breaking the law. Hobbes argues that beings are reasonable enough to understand acts that lead to illegitimate behaviors and disagreements.   This situation can be avoided by getting rid of perpetrators of injustice for the betterment of the community at large. Hobbes termed this practice a social contract. The society gets into a social contract with the government in order to avoid war, misunderstandings, and crime. As a result, the state is supposed to implement the social contract. However, violation of the law may still occur in spite the state performing their roles. Ideally, punishments for crime should not outweigh benefits of criminal behaviors. Therefore, deterrence is the reprimand that people get for committing offenses. Important to say, theories of deterrence are premised on three fundamental principles: severity, certainty, and celerity. The higher the intensity of the punishment the likelihood of a rational human being desisting from engaging in such crime increases. Therefore, criminal laws should impose hefty penalties in order to discourage citizens from committing a crime.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Answer questions- Business paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Answer questions- Business paper - Coursework Example Some studies have also shown a relation between animal cruelty and human violence. Therefore, reduction in animal abuse can also cause some reduction in the violence among humans. There is a difference between the animals that are kept as pets and those that are raised for food. However, the treatment of the animals kept in farms and other places that are raised as food are entitled to a certain treatment. They are living beings and this gives them the rights of fair treatment, proper food and a good living environment. As portrayed by the film, a consumer wanting faster, cheaper food has altered the way chickens are raised. Is this a similar situation to the industry responding to consumer demand for cheaper products by hiring low-wage workers overseas? Why? Why not? I do not believe that the connotations are similar. Low wage workers that are being hired overseas are employed at rates that are lower than those that would be available within the country, however, for those workers, these wages are what are being offered generally within the country that they live in. the rates are not less than the average wage rate in the country hence, they are not been exploited and that the advantage of hiring them at low wages is generated through the technological advancements and the ability to work beyond the limitations of national boundaries. Chickens, being injected with anti-biotic and steroids cause abnormal growth and as seen in films inc, has tremendous effects over their health as their organs cannot keep up with the increase in body mass. This also results in animals dying which is highly unethical. Moreover, the conditions that the chickens are kept in are inhumane and they are being treated as raw material of mass production rather than living beings. The film gives the impression that food is either cheap or healthy. Do you think it is true that food is either one or the other, or is this a false dichotomy? The film shows that the food that is processed in large quantities and to a large number of consumers is using products that are cheaper in order for the end product to be cheaper, hence, more attractive to the purchaser. It is not necessary that the food that is cheap would not be healthy but the fact is that this is the way that the large corporations are making it. Large corporations make the products using cheap raw material and low cost methods for mass production that in turn produces food that is unhealthy. The film projects that the monopoly of large corporations is affecting the healthy food items and by offering cheaper products they are attracting the customers but they are actually putting a veil over the material that is used in the production and the processes that are implemented. In the film, we see that Stonyfield Yogurt is now owned by Groupe Danone, Tom’s of Maine by Colgate, Kashi by Kellogg, and Burt’s Bees by Clorox, which are all large corporation. Why might corporations continue marketing the s mall companies’ products under their original labels, as we saw in the film? How do you think consumers might react to learning that the products are actually made by big corporations? Small Corporations are known for their quality and authenticity. These products are preferred by consumers who are overwhelmed with choices from the large corporation that obstruct the healthy contents of the product through mass production. Burt's bees for example, produced products that started off with a mere room where the owner used real